One of the wonderful things about authenticity is that everyone can do it. In fact you are already the best qualified person in the world at being you. You do not need any special training, or any special certificates. You do not need anyone else to give you permission. All you need to do is decide that you will no longer compromise your identity.
When we are true to ourselves all of that confusion, tension and insecurity that comes from trying to be what we think other people want us to be disappears in a flash.
We have all been there, even those of us who feel most trapped have moments of escape, when we are doing something we love or when are alone or when we are with someone special when we feel free.
The first step is the decision.
The second step is to create the space in our lives to remember who we are (were) - our reason for being, our innate talents our values.
The third step (and this is the clever bit) is to practice being it, in small ways to start with. Spending time doing things we love. Remembering our true selves when we take decisions. Remembering how to evaluate ourselves (rather than feeling that we need others to tell us how good or bad we are).
As our confidence builds we will automatically start to build our authenticity out into other areas of our lives.
For more support see www.authentictransformation.co.uk
The print edition of Neil's new book "Seven Stages of Authenticity" which is a comprehensive guide and handbook to your authentic journey is now available at www.sevenstages.net
Does this message make you feel yummy or yuckky, fired or mired? For more inspiration and to comment on these messages see www.authenticinspiration.co.uk
With love
neil crofts
Authentic Transformation - heal the world through authenticity
talk - 07775 658534
write - neil@authentictransformation.co.uk
info - www.authentictransformation.co.uk
books - www.sevenstages.net
inspiration - http://web.mac.com/ncrofts
discuss - http://groups.google.co.uk/group/Seven-Stages
I think I can, I think I can, I know I can, I know I can.......
James (the red engine)