Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Thank You

Posted: 24 Dec 2007 03:02 AM CST

Thank you all so much for all of the love and support I get in my work.  Thank you to all those who have ever collaborated with me and to those who correspond with me.  Thank you also to those who contribute, ideas and thoughts. Thank you also to all those who have ever challenged or criticised my work, I have learned a great deal from your challenges.

Thank you to all of those who have trusted me enough to come on a course, or to be coached by me, or to hire me to run sessions for their teams at work.

Thank you to anyone who has sacked me (there have been a few) or pushed me down an unexpected path and made me change my direction.  Thank you to everyone who has participated in my life so far, whether I liked it at the time or not.  All contributions have been extremely valuable in helping me become the person I am now and I am genuinely and humbly appreciative for every bit.

We are the sum of our experiences plus our genes.  Every experience, positive and negative, contributes to us being the person we are today.  If we like the person we are today, or even the person we know that we have the potential to become we can be grateful for every contribution along the way.

Most of all we can be grateful to our parents, because they had the greatest influence in shaping our lives.  In addition we can be grateful to our schools and our teachers, to bullies and friends alike.  To supportive bosses and colleagues as well as to the ones who might have made a place so uncomfortable that we had to leave and move on, and find the next thing.  

We can be grateful to ex-partners for the lessons we learned about love, no matter how uncomfortable.  

If we can learn to love ourselves then there can be no negative experiences, because all experiences contribute to our learning and the journey we are on.

I wish all of you and yours the most delicious Christmas and will talk about new year next Monday.

With love 


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
talk - 07775 658534
write - neil@authentictransformation.co.uk
act - www.authentictransformation.co.uk

To believe in something and not live it, is dishonest.
--Mahatma Gandhi

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Total Potential

Posted: 17 Dec 2007 02:51 AM CST

How many of us achieve our total potential in life?

How many of us even know what our total potential is?

Out total potential lies across five main areas:

1 - In love and relationships

2 - In work, wealth and contribution to society 

3 - In wellness and fitness

4 - In the comfort and inspiration of our lifestyle

5 - In our continual spiritual development

There is no absolute level of potential for any of these things and it is not about making comparisons with others.  At some level we know what we are capable of, we know when we can stop searching and feel comfortable, we know when we feel at peace.

How would you score your self out of 10, in each of these areas, where 0 is 'pain' and 10 is 'peace'.

In love and relationships we are looking for relationships with parents, children and especially our life partner that are loving, aligned, honest and mutually supportive.  The single most empowering thing that we can experience in life is the unconditional support of another.  This is our gift to give and our blessing to receive.

How are your relationships with you partner, your parents and your children?

Work, wealth and contribution is about what you do with your time, the contribution that you make to society and the rewards you receive by return.

Do you love your work?  Do you love the impact that the outcome of your work has on others?  Is your work fulfilling both in terms of income and meaning for you?

Our wellness and fitness are about going beyond basic good health to making the most of your physical body through excellence in nutrition and hydration and a suitable exercise routine.   Plus the healing of any dis-ease to the extent that it is possible.

Are you as fit and healthy as you would like to be?  Are you as fit and healthy as you could be?

Our lifestyle and location needs to inspire us and to be sufficient to put an end to striving.  We need to live somewhere that offers security, comfort and inspiration.  We need our lifestyle to have the space for learning, resting, relationships and fun.

Are you happy with where and how you live?  Do you strive for more or different or are you at peace?

Our spiritual potential is unlimited and is a lifelong journey of exploration. 

Do you know YOUR spirituality or have you accepted someone else's?  Do you understand why you are here and how it all fits together?

Reaching our total potential is not about striving or struggling it is about centering our lives around our authentic selves and simply being all that we can be.

Achieving our total potential is about creating alignment in our relationships so that they can support us in our quest and we can support them, it is about loving our lives and our work and contributing to society with our time and energy, it is about honouring our body and maximising our energy.

In 2008 commit to achieving your total potential.

If you want some support for your journey why not come on the Total Potential Retreat in Mallorca or have some one to one coaching.

If you want to help others to reach their total potential through coaching or other inspiration take a look at the Authentic Transformation Advance in Mallorca in March and California in April.

If you want your business to achieve it's total potential how about total potential training for your staff?

Looking forward to helping you make 2008 the best year ever in every way.

with love


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
talk - 07775 658534
write - neil@authentictransformation.co.uk
act - www.authentictransformation.co.uk

Most of us seem to be coerced into conformity from a very early age by the dragon of normality. I call it a dragon not because it breathes fire or even because it is particularly nasty but because it is entirely fictitious.

There is no normal.

There is no right, which is more right than your right.

Neil Crofts - Authentic - How to Make a Living by Being Yourself

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week


Posted: 10 Dec 2007 02:24 AM CST

I have been looking for a partner to collaborate with for several years and I have finally found Judy.  Judy's work and style is entirely complimentary to mine while our philosophies are almost identical.  I would describe Judy's work as specializing in the "crisis to good" zone, while I tend to focus on the "good to great" area - although we both do the full spectrum as well.

Judy founded a service called Second Aid thirty years ago to help people who had dramatic life change imposed on them through events such as illness or injury.  Judy and I are collaborating to offer the Total Potential Retreat, which starts on the 7th of January, in Mallorca.

Individually we can make a difference, through collaboration we can change the world.

True collaboration requires a very special relationship.  It requires love, trust and alignment.  We cannot expect to have this kind of relationship with everyone we meet, or everyone we have a cool idea with, it is a special relationship - a little like choosing a life partner.  I am thrilled to have found someone else to challenge me, inspire me, teach me and collaborate with me.

By way of introduction I have asked Judy to contribute to this weeks e-mail:

"Neil kindly asked me to guest the inspiration letter this week.   As you may know he and I are merging our services into an updated form within 'Total Potential'.

This week it is helpful to compare discrepancies between how you feel towards what is occurring within you, and the happenings that are reflected back to you from others.   The love and forgiveness that you extend to all those you come across can reflect how well you are growing internally yourself.   If you want some particular characteristic within a relationship with another, then we have to take the responsibility for being able to give that state to others first before it will be mirrored back to us.

Being good-humoured attracts good humour, love attracts love, and generosity attracts the generous and so on.  We can conduct a personal inventory as to how we want to appear to others and them to us by listing at least three qualities and monitoring our internal capacity to gift those qualities both at home and at work.   Others will reflect back to us how well we are doing.

At the start of the day focus on how you want your life to be for a few minutes while in the shower or brushing your teeth.   Envisage the day, as you would like it to be then as you go to bed at night examine how the events of the day matched up to your criteria.   Gradually with practice throughout the week that which you want to attract will begin to manifest in the external environment.  And if not this week then next just keep on keeping on until it does."

Plan an inspirational new year for yourself - why not kick it off with a little time at the Total Potential Retreat to get that clarity of purpose.

And give someone a really profound gift this Christmas with a copy of Seven Stages of Authenticity.

much love


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
talk - 07775 658534
write - neil@authentictransformation.co.uk
act - www.authentictransformation.co.uk

'Until there is commitment, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation),
there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas
and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then
providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would
never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues forth from
the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents
and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would
have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin
it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!'

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Monday, December 03, 2007

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Distraction and the triple challenge

Posted: 29 Nov 2007 09:42 AM CST

We are evolving as a society.  As we evolve the challenges become greater, but the choice of outcomes is always the same - transcend or succumb.

Right now we are facing a triple challenge - possibly for the first time in history:

(We can use Spiral Dynamics to help us to understand the triple challenge (if you are not familiar with Spiral Dynamics you can see a summary here from Seven Stages of Authenticity).

The Blue challenge - is the challenge of terrorism and fundamentalism, the battle for ownership of meaning
The Orange challenge - is the challenge of peak oil and the loss of the primary source of energy for our economy
The Green challenge - is climate change and the maintenance of a natural infrastructure to support us

We have faced these challenges before, but never on a global scale and never all at once.  In the biggest picture, it does not truly matter if we transcend or succumb, because something else will come along and take our place in time.

However, having come this far, it seems a shame to let it all go, and of course we may feel individually that it matters quite a lot whether humanity transcends or succumbs.  So if you would prefer to see humanity transcend the triple challenge please read on:

As Einstein said: "Problems cannot be solved by the level of awareness that created them."

The triple challenge will not be resolved by current world leaders.  If we want to see resolution we have to find a solution that works for Blue, Orange and Green at the same time.  This can only be done from a higher level of consciousness, in Spiral Dynamics this is called the Second Tier and Yellow and Turquoise are the first two levels.

If we want to transcend the triple challenge we have to evolve enough of humanity to a higher level of consciousness than we are already at and we have to create and propagate the solutions from there.  This is the only way.

The challenge in raising the level of consciousness of society is that so many people are distracted into a state of apathy.

In 1949 Aldous Huxley wrote this in a letter to George Orwell:  "Within the next generation I believe that the world's leaders will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience"

What we need to do is to wake ourselves up and to wake up as many people around us as we can.  We need to wake up to our total potential and our true responsibility and engage with helping society to transcend the triple challenge.

What can you do:

1 - Engage seriously with your own potential - articulate your life's purpose, release the tensions that hold you back and go for it. 

2 - Engage everyone else you know with this project - send them this e-mail if you like.

3 - Engage everyone else you know with their own potential, coach them yourself or get them reading stuff or get them to subscribe to my Monday mails, just do something.

How I can help you:

Seven Stages of Authenticity is a really easy to use personal development guide book

I offer coaching over the phone (with a local rate number for UK calls) or face to face

The Total Potential Retreat starts on 7 January 

The Authentic Transformation Advance can help you find your own way to wake others up by inspiring them to be authentic.

I do coaching and training for businesses to help them realise the commercial and personal benefits of authenticity.  So I can help your company be more authentic too.

For more inspiration or to challenge or comment www.authenticinspiration.co.uk

Through collaboration we can change the world.

with love


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
talk - 07775 658534
write - neil@authentictransformation.co.uk
act - www.authentictransformation.co.uk

"It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." Dumbledore

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