Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Profit from passion

Posted: 28 Apr 2008 08:05 AM CDT

First - imagine an authentic society:
Imagine an authentic form of government - perhaps a little like the ones you see in Science Fiction where a committee of wise, ego free, elders engage the community and guide it with compassion and care.
Where taxes are levied on things that the society wants to stop (like pollution) and not on things it wants to encourage like working for the greater good.
Imagine authentic education that helps every child to find their inner brilliance and how to apply it in adult life. Teenagers emerging confidently rather than confused into adulthood.
Imagine authentic businesses that contribute as much to society as they do to the bottom line. Creating great products that help society to function sustainably, healthily and peacefully, whilst also creating inspiring and fulfilling working environments without exploitation of people or planet.
This has been imagined before. Utopia is not an original idea.
So given that we have had quite a bit of time to work this one out, how is it that we have not made greater progress?
I think there are two things that have held us back before, and which will hold us back again unless we can include them in our transformation. This goes for cultural change at any level - in a business, community or a society.
The first is integration. Transformation cannot be done separately from the rest of society. When it is done separately all you do is to create factions, who generally end up in conflict.
At a societal level integration involves family and finance.
Family is the fundamental building block of humanity, any transformation that does not have successful family living at it's heart will not succeed on a large scale. This includes the current experiment where many families are put under intolerable strain by the way many of us earn our living.
Which is the link to finance:
In todays society financial security is as important as physical security. Not necessarily in a literal sense, but certainly in a practical sense. Most of us reading this e-mail enjoy sufficient physical security that financial security replaces physical security in our concerns.
In Maslow's hierarchy of needs we can see that security, including financial security, forms the base from which we can build. Without a sense of security it is very difficult to broaden our considerations to others, or deepen them spiritually.
It is a sense of confidence and security that enables us to progress to a wider sense of the world than our own ego self, which is the second thing that might hold us back.
Until those who lead us in government, business and education can feel the confidence to go beyond their own fear driven, ego thinking, transformation will not be widespread.
An authentic transformation has to be profitable.
If we want to see our society, or community or our business transform we have two related things to do - we have to build self confidence for ourselves and those around us and we have to build financial security.
Fortunately for the transformation, authenticity is great for business. As I discovered in the research for my book "Authentic Business", authentic businesses are able to spend up to 80% less on marketing and motivation than their conventional counterparts.
There has been a level of conversation in the community of progressives, transformers and social change agents that sees profit, money and sometimes business as a 'bad' thing.
If we are to create a sustainable transformation we have to overcome this thinking. Profit, money and business can be fantastic agents for social development and empowerment. It is exploitation that we need to avoid.
If we fear money, growth, success or profit we are seriously limiting our potential, both for ourselves as individuals and our ability to influence the direction of our society.
I am writing a new article on Authentic Business as an update on the book. The article will look at the businesses I wrote about in the book, some new ones that have started since and some other inspiring businesses.
If you have a authentic business story you would like to share, I would love to hear from you.
I am writing the article speculatively - so if you are interested in publishing the article please let me know.
I have a great deal of experience authenticity in business, helping authentic businesses to start, build and profit. Also helping established businesses to become more authentic. Perhaps I can contribute to your business? Let me know if you want to have a chat.
with love

neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
UK mobile +44 (0)7775 658534

Show up
Be Present
Tell the truth
Let it all go

Harrison Owen - creator of Open Space Technology

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Uplift or Depress

Posted: 21 Apr 2008 02:07 AM CDT

I saw the BBC TV news for the first time in six months last week and I was shocked.

The news was incredibly depressing. I went to bed in feeling genuinely distressed about the state of the world. I wondered how these calamities could have crept up without me noticing. I do read the news, why had I not seen these stories building.

I went back to my regular internet based news to check. I found the stories, the same stories, but the presentation was different. They were just news, not good news, but not terrible either.

What effect does it have on a population to be drip fed disaster?

It is easy to imagine that this persistent hammering in of negativity could lead to a sense of pessimism, hopelessness and even depression.

With a consequent apathy, unwillingness to engage and inability to rise to the challenges we face. These are all symptoms that we see in society.

I am not suggesting that it is all the fault of the media, but our media has a huge responsibility and so do we.

Neither am I suggesting that we bury our heads in the sand and avoid the news altogether. I am suggesting that whatever we do, including absorbing media, we do it consciously. More specifically that when news is shocking we check other sources to see how they portray it.

Even more than that, we seek out the positive and inspirational and we share it with as many people as possible to offer some measure of balance.

And perhaps the greatest responsibility we have is that make the communication of our own news, thoughts and ideas as positive and uplifting as we possibly can.

That we all seek to inspire in every interaction we have with anyone whether it is family and friends or colleagues and shop staff.

We need to be creative to solve the challenges we face as a society and most of us are at our most creative when we feel the pressure and also feel a sense of opportunity and possibility.

Depression replaces possibility with apathy.

Inspiration replaces apathy with intention.

Inspire someone with their opportunity today.

For more ideas on your potential to inspire...

Download my free e-books "Authentic Leadership" and "What is my Purpose" at www.authentictransformation.co.uk if you find them inspiring, recommend them to others.

Get a copy of Seven Stages of Authenticity , come to the Authentic Transformation Day in Liverpool or book a chat with me to help you live your life more authentically.

If you want to really develop your ability to inspire others come on the Authentic Transformation Advance in October and join an inspirational group who are already changing the world.

I am looking forward to our collaboration to inspire everyone :-)

With love


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
UK mobile 07775 658534
If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough  Mario Andretti

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Politics and Religion

Posted: 13 Apr 2008 02:13 PM CDT

Generally speaking in these messages I avoid politics and religion. This week however three things have happened that mean I have to make an exception.

The first is that I read an amazing book "The Great Transformation" by Karen Armstrong. Karen is a former nun who has made the study of the major world religions her life's work.

In "The Great Transformation" she writes about the shift in consciousness that took place between 700 and 300 BC.

In Greece, the Middle East, China and India religion, spirituality and philosophy went from tribal, primitive, ritual, mystical and sacrificial based thinking to the sophisticated concept of the "Golden Rule" - "treat others as you would like to be treated."

Starting with Confucius around 500 BC the Golden Rule eventually became the cornerstone of the monotheistic Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism), Buddhism, Hinduism as well as the founding tenet of Chinese philosophy.

The second is seeing Jill Bolte-Taylor's extraordinarily profound speech on TED. Jill is a brain scientist who had a stroke. The stroke disabled the left side of her brain and gave her the startling experience of what the world is like from an exclusively right brain perspective.

Her description is more moving, more powerful and more inspiring than I can possibly convey in writing, so I will leave it to you to see the video for yourself. The profound message of Jill's story is that spiritual experience exists in our right brain, but is mostly overwhelmed by the analytics of our left brain.

We can access our divine connection by simply quieting the activity of the left hand side of our brian. It is always there ready and waiting for us to do this! Amazing!

The third is Al Gore's new talk, again shown on TED last week. In the main slide show he goes through an update on the story he told in "An Inconvenient Truth". However in an Interview that follows the main speech Al Gore says that what is required to combat climate change is "a higher level of consciousness."

That Climate Change is a spiritual problem!

To summarise - we have been through a seismic shift in the level of consciousness before.

To save our society we need to go through one again.

The basis for this shift has been established in all of the worlds major belief systems for at least 2000 years in "The Golden Rule".

That to understand our global connection and responsibility we need to open greater communication with the left side of our own brain.

Certainly there are more people this time and certainly we are on a much tighter timeline than before, but this time we have far greater global awareness and immeasurably better communication than 2500 years ago.

The challenge of our time is to raise the global level of consciousness sufficiently and quickly. Starting with ourselves and spreading out to everyone we know - particularly the young.

If you found this message and the links within it inspiring please pass it on to as many people as you think will also be inspired.

For more on raising your own level of consciousness see www.authentictransformation.co.uk

To uncover your own innate brilliance for inspiring others to reach their full potential come to the Authentic Transformation Advance in Mallorca in October.

With love


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
UK mobile 07775 658534

What we need is more people who specialise in the impossible

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Monday, April 07, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

My Vision

Posted: 07 Apr 2008 03:45 AM CDT

Permit me the indulgence, this week, of sharing my vision with you.

I have just run another wonderful Authentic Transformation Advance. During this event every participant got to articulate their life purpose, clarify their vision for making it happen and then define their tangible steps towards it's realisation.

But this time something unusual happened, I got to talk about my vision too.

I said what I usually say, which is that my purpose is to "Heal the world through authenticity". That my vision is for authentic leadership in government and schools and business. That we start to see a society is defined by authenticity and the desire to contribute to the enrichment and evolution of all life on earth as a guiding principle for all of us.

Overnight I reflected on that vision and some of the suggestions for implementing it that I had been given. I reflected on the discomfort I felt at the process that had been suggested and I realised that it was because although this remains my vision, it is not my personal vision.

It remains my vision to see an authentic society - but this is a kind of meta vision. It is the outcome of the work of all of us who are working towards it, not just me.

So I considered my personal vision.

I realised that my personal vision is to play a part in this evolution of society by focussing on my strengths. To continue to articulate inspiring and transformative messages around authenticity, in writing, in coaching, in workshops and public speaking.

I believe that my unique contribution is a particular way of making the communication of apparently complex concepts simple and using them to inspire people to transformative action.

The stretch in the vision is for this communication to reach a much wider audience. I would like to reach a much wider audience with my writing over the internet and through other media such as radio, TV and film.

As part of making this happen I would like to enroll you, who read and I hope value, these Monday e-mails in this project.

I would love it if you could recommend these e-mails, my free e-books and my web site to anyone who you think might be interested ( I am super grateful also for all of the people you have already recommended).

I would like to hear of any opportunities you may know of to share the authentic message with a wider audience.

And I would really like to find a sponsor who would help me to publicise this message and give away more of my work and writings so that together we can inspire more people to lead fulfilling and authentic lives.

In return I will continue to send out my Monday morning e-mails and to publish free e-books.

Can you help? Will you help?

Thank you so much for all of your support :-)

With love


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
+44 7775 658534

"Fear leads to hate
Hate leads to anger
Anger leads to suffering"
- Yoda

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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Just do it!

Posted: 31 Mar 2008 02:04 AM CDT

We are in a race to the end of society.

Whether this is 'end; as in purpose or 'end' as in termination is a choice we make every day.

When we are afraid we can be aggressive and violent. When we are at peace we are loving and collaborative.

It is a shame then that so much of our programming is for fear.

We face unprecedented challenges as a society - diminishing resources, climate change and fundamentalism (of any sort).

In the West civil society has moved to a point where all out war would be seriously unpopular. This is not so true of China and India, who may still need to complete the catastrophic bloodletting phase of their history.

Is it possible for a society to leapfrog that phase?

Those of us who seek peace in our lives have a responsibility not only to be loving in our immediate community, but to spread our love and peace around the world.

Historically wars are fought in ignorance and not in awareness. When two populations (or individuals, or communities) do not understand each other and a dispute arises, for whatever reason, the result is usually conflict - hot or cold.

If we are to evolve to a peaceful and sustainable society we must spread cultural understanding and love of (rather than fear of) diversity.

This is not necessarily some great geo-political mission, it is also an every day habit in our conversations, communications and actions.

Recently I have had the privilege to have contributed to the beginning of an expedition that aims to carry this message in a very physical way across Europe and Asia.

Seb Mower was working in an Estate Agents in Abu Dhabi, when we spoke, and struggling to contain his passion for adventure and connection.

In our coaching session we uncovered Seb's life purpose to: "Push the boundaries of connection, to persuade other people to theirs to develop a greater individual sense of responsibility for our collective future."

Seb's interpretation of and response to this is to organise a carbon neutral, overland expedition that will connect cultures and inspire others to pursue their life's purpose.

Seb already has an initial page up for his web site and will follow this up with blogs, video diaries to tell the story as it happens.

We do not all need to take such radical action, but we do all need to change our lives in subtle ways that will enable us to live in love and peace.

I am here to help people do just that.

If you have not already, please read my FREE e-books on Authentic Leadership and Life Purpose, both available for download at www.authentictransformation.co.uk

I can also help you personally or your business or organisation find more peaceful (and profitable) ways to to be both in direction and leadership. Either individually or through events.

If you are ready to move forward and would like some help please take a look at www.authentictransformation.co.uk to see what is available or reply to this e-mail.

On the 13 June I will be hosting a one off Authentic Transformation Day in Liverpool, England. It would be lovely to see you there.

With love


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
UK mobile 07775 658534
Spain mobile (+34) 606 204 994      

belief precedes reality

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