Monday, September 27, 2010

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

The Limit

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 12:00 AM PDT

I completed my main sporting target for the year yesterday. A local event called Trenca Garrons. It is a cycling event that starts at sea level in Alcudia and then climbs 1500 meters to the top of the highest mountain in Mallorca, Puig Major (pronounced push ma-yawr). You can see the route here - . You can see my pictures on facebook.

The last seven kilometers are timed on a military road, to the clouds, that is normally closed to public access. The last six kilometers are at a completely unrelenting 16%. It is as if the engineers who had to carve this road out of the cliff had to meet a specification of a maximum of 16% gradient and the minimum length, and they delivered.

There is no flattening out, no place to recover. As you climb the views disappear and you are enveloped in cloud. The only sounds come from your own effort and the gentle tick of the bike chain. Occasionally a fitter, lighter and mostly younger rider ticks past, effort etched on their face.

You climb above the eagles circling below. Constantly balancing the knife edge of the limit. Go into the red for too long and there is no place to recover, stay to far in the black and you are not doing your best. Everything is uncomfortable at this level of effort, but you have to stick to the limit. The line is one or two heart beats wide, four or five watts wide, this is the zone you have to inhabit.

You can tell if you are going too hard because you want to get off, you can tell if you are going too slow because you want to stay on.

This is the limit. This is where great things happen, where achievements and creativity exist. This is where humans are at their best, pushing our personal boundaries, finding out what we are truly capable of.

We need this emotional, physical, spiritual, mental discomfort every week to be truly alive. To know that we are living our life to the max. To know that we are not compromising.

As F1 world champion Mario Andretti said: "If everything feels under control, you are not going fast enough."

We can experience this limit in our work, in our love lives, in our sports and in the choices we make of what we will do with our lives.

Greatness is defined by what we do when we approach this limit. Do we back off for fear of pain, discomfort, the unknown or do we press on, edge closer to the limit and then hold it there, balancing precariously on the edge. Do we know the limit well enough to trust ourselves to be in that space. Or do we panic and flee to safety?

If we never approach our limit, we will never know it well enough to find out. If we approach our limit without due respect we can crash and burn. We also need to respect the limit, we cannot be there all the time, we have to create space to recover, reflect, learn and grow in between our exploits.

If you feel your work or life is a compromise, pushing that boundary is exactly where you need to go. If you don't like what it is, how much worse could it be to see if you can do something about it?

I am planning an Open Authentic Leadership event in Mallorca in October, with 15 - 20 places available. You can find out a lot more about the course here. If you are interested please let me know so I can gauge numbers for the hotel.

Join us on our Authentic Business Radio show every Thursday at 5pm UK, 6pm Euro or 12.00 EST. This week we will be discussing "The Limit".

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With love


Neil Crofts
Neil Crofts
authentic business

+34 646391384
Skype - neilcrofts

Monday, September 20, 2010

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Beyond Religion

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 11:38 PM PDT

Religion has, in many cases, served us well. It provides significant support and comfort in very many cases. Like all human institutions religion also has it's limitations. Most religions have also succumbed to the temptation offered by their power and experienced corruption.

The time has come to celebrate the spirituality that lies beyond religion, to recognise it, to embrace it.

Spirituality is not hierarchical. There is no chain of command that comes down the line from God. The idea of hierarchy, in the Christian church, stems from the classical image of the Christian God as a deified Roman Emperor.

The Roman Christian Church is, in very many ways, an evolution and expansion of the Roman empire. Even the title "Pontifex Maximus", the high priest of Roman religion is one shared by all Popes with pagan Roman Emperors.

As much as religion is about spirituality, it is also about control.

Spirituality is not about control. Spirituality is about connection. Connection to the whole.

Religion is about inserting an intermediary into that relationship. Some churches are even explicit, a "Vicar", from the same derivation as "vicarious" - acting in the place of another.

Intermediaries and hierarchy are not required. We all have immediate access to a direct relationship to the whole, to God.

What is God?

God is the whole.

Just as our body is made up of cells, we are cells in the body of the whole. Humans and animals and plants, all living things and natural systems. More or less conscious and correspondingly more or less responsible.

Just as brain cells are not better or more important than heart cells or lung cells, just different and with different responsibilities. So no one human or group of humans are better or more important than another, just different and with different responsibilities.

Going to war with another section of the whole, is going to war with ourselves. It is like the brain declaring war on the heart, or exploiting the toe - ultimately self defeating.

It is time to move beyond our human borders and boundaries. To move beyond petty sectarian, national and ideological divisions and to recognise that we are all part of the same organism. To embrace The Golden Rule, common to all religions, Treat others as you would like to be treated - don't do things to others you would not like done to you.

We all need loving, nurturing and support to be at our best. We all need confidence, self knowledge and self actualisation to contribute our greatest value to the whole. We are all scared and small at times. We all respond differently to our fear.

The authentic journey is, ultimately a spiritual one. Once we connect with ourselves, we inevitably connect to the whole. We have no need of someone to do it in our place. We have no need of hierarchy or theology or dogma to connect to our whole. We only have the need of the support and love of a teacher, to help us understand concepts that are often enigmatic and counter cultural.

Through Authenticis and our Authentic Business Radio Show we would love to help businesses, projects and individuals to succeed through their authenticity. If you would like to share your business, project or story on the show please let me know.

I am planning an Open Authentic Leadership event in Mallorca in October, with 15 - 20 places available. You can find out a lot more about the course here. If you are interested please let me know so I can gauge numbers for the hotel.

Join us on our Authentic Business Radio show every Thursday at 5pm UK, 6pm Euro or 12.00 EST. This week we will be discussing "Beyond Religion".

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With love


Neil Crofts
Neil Crofts
authentic business

+34 646391384
Skype - neilcrofts

Monday, September 13, 2010

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

People of Earth - Grow the f**k up

Posted: 09 Sep 2010 12:21 AM PDT

I don't know if you have noticed, but we are somewhat in the middle of a crisis. Governments are playing fast and loose with tax payers money, corruption is endemic, some groups seem to be intent on provoking others, conflict flash points are plentiful, kids are stressed, ice caps are melting and most of us have our heads firmly stuck in TVland, hoping it will all go away.

Bullying, self pity, over reacting, insecurity, cliques and gangs, selfishness, self medication, extremism, unwillingness to listen or learn, mentally and emotionally closed and irresponsibility are all standard traits of teenagers.

These traits appeared to be shared, by too many of our leaders in business, politics, religion and other areas. My experience is that I meet many people of great maturity in other areas of life, so how do so many "teenagers" end up leading significant organisations?

Maturity is a matter of the choices we make, not just the time we have been here. Maturity involves:
• The inner confidence to to empower others and enjoy their success rather than bully or demean.
• The dignity and strength to learn from setbacks and take responsibility for contribution to them.
• The calmness and perspective to see the big picture and respond (rather than react).
• Self knowledge and acceptance in terms of purpose, vision, values, strengths and weaknesses.
• The flexibility, generosity and depth to be inclusive.
• The restraint and self discipline to not need drugs or alcohol.
• The balance and objectivity to embrace and involve all sides.
• The openness and eagerness to learn from everyone and every experience.
• The responsibility to act for the greater good.

We have the opportunity to transcend our current situation, to create a fulfilling, sustainable and peaceful society. We have extraordinary wealth, we have incredible technology and amazing knowledge, we have all of the tools we need. We just need to "grow the f**k up" and start making use of them.

It is not human nature to be crass and destructive, it is immaturity. It is so easy for people to get emotionally trapped in teenage years, society does so little to help people grow up and so much to hold them back.

Growing up is a process of letting go of our insecure, trivial and carefree youth and embracing the responsibilities of adulthood, as individuals, business people, leaders of all sorts, parents and whatever else we might be. Growing up involves the death of our childishness and our rebirth, mature and adult.

Start with yourself. Are you truly mature? If you can truly say "I am like that" to all of the bullet points above then you will already be embracing your responsibility to help others mature. If you feel you still have the opportunity to mature a good teacher/coach can make the journey easier and more rapid.

Through Authenticis and our Authentic Business Radio Show we would love to help businesses, projects and individuals to succeed through their authenticity. If you would like to share your business, project or story on the show please let me know.

I am planning an Open Authentic Leadership event in Mallorca in October, with 15 - 20 places available. You can find out a lot more about the course here. If you are interested please let me know so I can gauge numbers for the hotel.

Join us on our Authentic Business Radio show every Thursday at 5pm UK, 6pm Euro or 12.00 EST. This week we will be discussing "Grow the f**k up"

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With love


Neil Crofts
Neil Crofts
authentic business

+34 646391384
Skype - neilcrofts

Monday, September 06, 2010

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Context and perspective

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 10:41 AM PDT

It is easy to get caught up in the importance or our lives, our moment in history and our species. Occasionally it is important just to check in with the bigger picture and hold the vitality of our own experience in the context of the whole.

We have somewhere between 50 and 100 trillion cells in our body. We have been evolving separately from other apes for about 6.5 million years, on a planet that formed 4.5 billion years ago and is expected to support life for another 500 million years. We are thought to have been "modern" humans for about 200,000 years, we have lived in cities for around 10,000 years, we made the first really useful steam engine 300 years ago.

We are currently one of nearly 7 billion humans on this planet and one of well over 100 trillion living things ranging from bacteria to trees that weigh over 2000 tons.

Our earth is one of 8 planets that orbit our Sun. Our Sun contains 99.86% of the total mass of the whole solar system. The Earth is about 150 million km from the Sun, to give a sense of scale; the equator of the Earth is about 40,000 km around. The furthest full planet from the Sun, Neptune, is 4.5 billion km away from it.

Our Solar system is part of a galaxy known as the Milky Way, visible on a dark night as a pale cloud of light. The Milky Way Galaxy is 100,000 light years from side to side, a light year is the distance that light travels in a year, just under 10 trillion kilometers. So the width of our Galaxy is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 km (a Quinitillion)- about. Our Sun is one of between 200 and 400 billion stars in our galaxy, it is not easy to count them all.

We are 25-28,000 light years from the centre of the galaxy. Our closest neighbour star, Alpha Centauri, is 4.4 light years away or 44 trillion km.

The closest galaxy to our own is known as Andromeda, with over 1 trillion stars, it is about 2.5 million light years away (remember, a light year is the distance light travels in a year, it travels 186,000 miles in a second). The Milky Way and Andromeda are a binary galactic system and part of a larger system of 50 galaxies that form what is known as the Local Group, a part of the Virgo Supercluster.

Our universal address would be Earth, Sun, Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster. The Universe is thought to be 13.75 billion years old.

So we are a flash, on a speck, on a dot, not more.

And yet...

...we and our small blue/green dot are all we have.

We are on a life raft in a vast and hostile ocean. If we bet, and it is a very big bet, that there is an available and habitable planet within half the width of the galaxy, then our situation is the equivalent of being on a life raft, 0.0024 of a millimeter long, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

On a cosmic scale our survival is inconsequential, the loss of humanity or of the earth as a whole would be no more significant that the loss of single cell is to our own bodies.

To us however the loss of humanity would be more significant. If we want to prolong our existence on our life raft we have to figure out a way of living together with our co-dependents.

As a species, after 200,000 years we are still behaving like teenagers. Like teenagers we are still primarily motivated by fear. Fear of embarrassment, fear of loosing out, fear of difference, fear of loosing control. Our fear leads us into conflicts, war on everything, including nature and each other.

Like a teenager we are at risk of living fast and dying young. We need to grow up before we kill ourselves. Growing up means replacing fear with love, replacing conflict with peace and replacing greed with responsibility.

Authenticity is the key. We are born good. Fear, greed and conflict are all learned. We could equally learn love, responsibility and peace. Adults need to unlearn and relearn authenticity, kids just need to be allowed to stay authentic.

Through Authenticis and our Authentic Business Radio Show we would love to help businesses, projects and individuals to succeed through their authenticity. If you would like to share your business, project or story on the show please let me know.

I am planning an Open Authentic Leadership event in Mallorca in October, with 15 - 20 places available. You can find out a lot more about the course here. If you are interested please let me know so I can gauge numbers for the hotel.

Join us on our Authentic Business Radio show every Thursday at 5pm UK, 6pm Euro or 12.00 EST. This week we will be discussing "Context and perspective"

Feel free to forward this to friends, post to your networks and to republish on your website. Please include the link.

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With love


Neil Crofts
Neil Crofts
authentic business

+34 646391384
Skype - neilcrofts