Millions of people sit down every evening for an hour or two to receive their programming. Some sit down for their programming during the day. There is even special programming for kids.
The programming helps us to adapt to situations, it helps us to find things to talk about with other people, it helps us to show the appropriate emotions or lack of them at the appropriate time.
It is done via an electronic box that most of us install in our own homes, many have more than one. The programming is transmitted into the box and then to the people via changing lights and sounds.
This is not some distopic sci-fi fantasy, this is normal life for many millions of people. Of course far from all of the programming is bad, there is much that is excellent, the crucial thing is to be aware that it is not our own.
It is conditioning, like so many other messages we hear.
The FTSE in the UK, Dow and Nasdaq in the US, being mentioned at the end of every single bulletin, builds an entirely disproportionate level of mystique and importance around share trading. Wouldn't global and local: happiness, peace or wellness indices be more relevant?
When they say at the end of the news bulletin "that was the news" they give the impression that nothing else of interest or merit has happened.
The TV tells us who is "good" and who is "bad", it tells us which side to be on in any given situation.
We invest 12 or more years in our educational programming, learning; that evaluation is done by someone else, that mistakes and failures will be punished by public humiliation, that subjects that qualifications are more important than confidence.
Out education tells us to be obedient and to conform.
The result of all of this conditioning is that many of us do not really know our own opinion and we lack the confidence to state it anyway.
One of the things I frequently recommend to clients is to go on a media detox. Cut out TV and mainstream news for one month. Then go back to it and see how your perspective has changed.
In the spirit of simplification I have decided that all of the stuff I was offering was getting too complicated and I really needed to rationalise things and tidy up - so:
Total Potential - All of my public workshops, excluding the Advance, will now be incorporated into a full time retreat. The retreat will deal with all issues including work, relationships, wellness, crisis and so on as well as stretching participants who want it to a higher spiritual level as well.
Total Potential Retreat starts on the 7th of January at the beautiful Ca'n Pujola in S'Arraco, Mallorca.
As a special launch offer anyone booking four nights in January or February, before the end of the year, will get a fifth night free. It is only €100 or £70 per night so it is comparable with holiday kind of prices. For more details see the
web page or call 0044 (0)7775 658534.
Advance - The Advance is a wonderful event that is for anyone who would like to inspire authenticity in others. We have had cooks, actors, artists, musicians, coaches, consultants, lawyers, designers and others, who all now form a special community of authentic practitioners inspiring others to be authentic in their own authentic way.
For 2008 there will be two Advances, one in Mallorca, 5-7 March, and the other in California 4-6 April. For more details see the
web page or call 0044 (0)7775 658534.
Coaching - I will continue to do the coaching, which I love. To witness people transform their lives in exciting and positive ways is so wonderful. The coaching is either done on the phone or you are very welcome to come for some intensive coaching over a few days - a 'fix' as I call it. For more details see the
web page or call 0044 (0)7775 658534.
Corporate work - The corporate work gets more and more exciting with global corporations getting excited about the potential of authenticity at a high level. This takes the form of both workshops and executive coaching. If you would like to bring the benefits of authenticity to your business or your employers business give me a call and we can find out what the best way is 0044 (0) 7775 658534 or see the
web page for more details.
with love
neil crofts - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
talk - 07775 658534
write -
neil@authentictransformation.co.ukact -
www.authentictransformation.co.ukWe pay more to be distracted than we do to anyone except the government and the bank. Compare the amount we pay sports and pop stars with the amount that we pay to educators or health care workers, for example.
Neil Crofts - Authentic - How to Make a Living by Being Yourself - published by Capstone October 2003
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