Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Love fear - Fear love

Posted: 18 Feb 2008 02:05 AM CST

I ran an Authentic Leadership workshop last week for a client. We discussed seven key words that describe authentic leadership and then an eighth.

The first seven words were pretty much the kind of words you would expect: Empowerment, meaning, alignment, safe space, opportunity, courage and integrity.

The first seven words were accepted without demur.

The eighth word was "Love".

Love as in the opposite of fear. Love as in doing things, treating people, behaving with love. Being loving with people. Loving what you do.

Love polarised the audience. Some were excited at the concept that "love" could be a recommended way to lead at work. Others struggled to get beyond more personal meanings of the word.

My observation, after years of research, is that the only relationships that truly work are the ones where there is love involved. This is as true for our friendships as it is for our lovers. As true for our sports and hobbies as it is for our work. As true for our colleagues as it is for our clients.

Love is where a relationship shifts beyond the obvious, rational, beyond the transactional, beyond "what's in it for me?"

Love is where fulfilment, enjoyment, engagement, passion and meaning start. Love is where we breakthrough from being units of production to being human. Love is where we step out from the grey, bland mass and step into a world of colour, light and flavour.

Shall we change our world? Shall we let go of fear, let go of the anodyne, let go of the bland?

Shall we insist on a world filled with love?

All we need to do is to focus on love.

Only do work that we love. Only spend money on things we love. Only spend time in places we love,with people we love.

As we accept no less than love the world changes.

What does it take?

Like most things, all it requires is a decision. Are you ready to decide?

For support in bringing love into your workplace take a look at bringing in Authentic BusinessTransformation.

For support in focusing your life around what you love take a look at The Total Potential Retreat or at Authentic Coaching.

Or perhaps you are the kind of person who can help others bring more love into their lives? Take a look at the Authentic Transformation Advance.

With love


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
UK mobile 07775 658534
UK office 0845 6800648
Spain mobile (+34) 606 204 994      
Spain office (+34) 971 673 325

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