Friday, November 28, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

I Love Business

Posted: 27 Nov 2008 01:58 PM CST

I love the innovation. I love the efficiency with which resources can be enabled to do great work. I love the clever business models that enable win, win, win solutions.

I love businesses that are able to generate profits by solving the challenges of society, however big or small, however directly or indirectly.

I love big businesses like Google, Nike and Apple who provide products and services that raise the game and enable people to achieve more and better things.

I love startlingly creative business models that change the game like iStockphoto, Threadless or Guru/elance/oDesk.

I love businesses that profit by solving the big problems like Good Energy, Betterplace, Whomadeyourpants.

I love businesses that are prepared to transform themselves when they learn something new like Marks and Spencer and Interface Carpets.

From my research these businesses have a huge advantage over more conventional rivals. They get between 10 and 50 times more benefit for every Pound, Euro or Dollar that they spend on marketing and staff motivation than other businesses.

Business is the most effective vehicle humanity has yet found for sustained innovation. It is business innovation that has contributed so much to our present affluence, as well as creating some of our greatest challenges (pollution, over dependence on oil, exploitation of people and nature and the credit crunch).

Innovation is required to resolve these challenges and that innovation will come from business.

The social and business landscape is changing fast. So fast that many businesses are struggling to keep up. When things change so fast it is easy to become reactive and to be fully occupied just putting out fires and managing risk.

Opportunity and profit lies on the other side of this equation, the proactive side. Opportunity and profit lie with the innovators who are proactively leading change and defining their marketplace. The magic ingredient for these organisations is that they have a culture of innovation.

As old models for business start to creak, it is time to change them. When things are going well it change feels risky. Now is the time to come up with new solutions and new ideas.

At Authenticis we have developed a model to take businesses from reactive to proactive, from fire fighting to fire starting. We want to help businesses transform themselves by identifying the challenge that they can solve for society and focussing their energy on delivering it AND making greater profits as a by product of that process.

We are looking for senior business leaders and brilliant business consultants to help make it happen.

Are you ready to collaborate?

lets have a chat.

With love


Neil Crofts
inspiration innovation motivation

+44 (0)7775 658534

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