Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

What does 2009 have in store?

Posted: 29 Dec 2008 02:25 AM CST

It is that New Year time again, many of us make promises to ourselves at this time of year. We resolve to make changes, we commit to take up good stuff and to quit the bad stuff.

There is a mini boom in the sale of self help books, diet books, gym memberships, running shoes and so on.

Over the holiday we have had an unusual amount of time for ourselves and time with our loved ones to reflect on what is truly important. We make our resolutions during this time of reflection and connection.

Most of us find that a couple of weeks later the stresses and pressures of the daily grind have diluted our resolve and we are back to life as usual.

Many people refer to this as going back to "reality", but who said reality had to be a grind? Why should we not all lead lives that are inspiring, rewarding, uplifting, energising and fulfilling?

Let's change this pattern, let's turn our resolutions into habits and our lives into positive, energising experiences.

In our house every New Years Eve, we equip ourselves and our guests with paper and crayons and we each draw our vision for the coming year.

We draw the way we want things to be. It is important not to be limited by what we might believe to be realistic. It is important just to be clear about how we want things to be, at least in our minds. The drawing is there to remind us of the thought and the feeling.

We draw the way we want our relationships, home, work, health and whatever else to develop over the year. We then post our drawings somewhere, on the fridge or by the desk, so that they are in front of us on a daily basis.

Having our resolutions and aspirations in front of us constantly helps to remind us what we are working towards.

I want more of us to achieve our aspirations and dreams. I believe that if more of us followed our hearts, found confidence and fulfilment the world would be a better place for all of us.

So - here is my New Year offer to you. If you do your drawing, photograph it and e-mail me the photo I will give you three coaching sessions for the price of two. During the sessions we will focus on the aspirations and resolutions in your drawing and how you can achieve them.

For more information on how my coaching sessions work please see www.neilcrofts.com

With love


Neil Crofts
inspiration innovation motivation

+44 (0)7775 658534

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