Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Complete Confidence

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 02:32 AM CST

Imagine a society where every one truly knows themselves and feels entirely comfortable in their skin.

Imagine a society where everyone is confident in their values and their purpose. Where no one feels the insecurity that leads to bullying and exploitation. Where everyone has the confidence to stand up for themselves.

A society without bitching or bullying, without fighting or politicking. A society where people collaborate and contribute for the greater good because they want to. A society where resources are nurtured and carefully distributed.

Is such a society possible?

In principle - yes.

What holds us back from achieving such a society?

I believe only two, closely related, things hold us back.

One is individual self confidence. People only resort to bullying, intimidation, exploitation, greed, criticism and war when they are insecure. If we can help enough individuals to overcome their insecurities and be confident those negative behaviours will cease.

Two is the level of consciousness at which society operates. Our collective understanding of the intricate web of life and, in particular, humanity's level of responsibility for it.

The first is relatively easy, we need a mass coaching program to work with children and adults to help them believe in themselves. To help them understand their potential and to fulfill it.

The second can form part of the coaching program and needs to work alongside all other belief systems. It needs to be framed in such a way that it can be embraced by all.

It needs to move beyond partisanship to a simple clarity that can be embraced by all faiths, nations and politics.

All life is interdependent, diminishing any part diminishes all parts. As the only species, we know for sure, to have a global awareness we are also the species with the greatest responsibility.

My life's purpose is to contribute to this process, I articulate it as "To heal the world through authenticity."

To do this I must both challenge myself to live as authentically as I am able and to do all that I can to assist others in finding their authenticity and living it.

I have been working at this and learning my craft for the last 8 years and I now feel the time is right to take it to a wider audience.

Starting next week on the 25th of February, I will be offering regular group coaching sessions by phone as well as the physical ones in Mallorca.

We start with the Life Purpose session.  During the Life Purpose session participants will articulate their life purpose.  I have done this process with over 3000 people and the difference it makes to be able to articulate your core reason for being simply and clearly is amazing.

We go on to create a vision for how things will be when you deliver on your life purpose and to identify the tensions that currently hold you back from achieving it.

All of this is accomplished in the Life Purpose session and you only need do the Life Purpose session once.  The session lasts about an hour and costs €10 in Palma or £10 on the phone.


Ideally people will do a Life Purpose session before they start the Complete Confidence sessions.

During the Complete Confidence sessions we will work through and release the tensions that hold you back from letting your life purpose happen.  Our Life Purpose has a gravitational pull for us - it will happen if we let it.  We don't have to make it happen.  What holds us back are these tensions.  Once we have released these tensions our Life Purpose can happen.

You can come to the Complete Confidence session as often and frequently or infrequently as you need to.  The sessions last about an hour and cost €20 in Palma or £20 on the phone.

The Life Purpose and Complete Confidence sessions are available both at the Onda Vital Wellness Centre in Palma De Mallorca every week and on a weekly phone conference. 

Complete Confidence by Phone.
Every Wednesday, starting on the 25th of February 2008.  

Last Wednesday of the month is Life Purpose, every other Wednesday is Complete Confidence.
5pm Madrid , 4pm London, 11am New York, 10am New Orleans, 9am Calgary, 8am Seattle.

Book your Life Purpose session now

Complete Confidence in Palma
The Life Purpose session is held at 11am on the first Friday of the month. The Complete Confidence sessions are held every Wednesday at 9.45.

Onda Vital C/Martin Boneo 31, bjos 
07013 Palma de Mallorca (Son Dameto)
+34 606 204 994

For more details and to book your place for the phone sessions please go to www.neilcrofts.com 

I am now doing more frequent and much shorter bursts of inspiration on Twitter - you can join in here www.neilcrofts.com

With love


Neil Crofts
inspiration innovation motivation

+44 (0)7775 658534

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