Monday, June 15, 2009

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

The only way is up

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 04:38 AM PDT

In so many ways our society reached rock bottom over the last six months. There are clear signs now that we are no longer going down and therefore we are going up.

What I mean is that in most dimensions, environmentally, politically, economically, socially and spiritually we are on the way up.

The bottom was characterized by: The previous US administration, reckless financial speculation, baseless conflict, greedy politicians, irresponsible business and government.

The evidence of our ascent is:

The election of Barack Obama and his speech in Cairo. Barack Obama is the first global level leader

The shift in attitudes to things like corruption, cheating, environmental damage and attempts to control people (except in North Korea).

In the UK members of parliament had been abusing the expenses system forever, but in 2009 that level of petty corruption shifted from acceptable to unacceptable.

In professional cycling tacit acceptance of cheating has shifted to a widespread "clean cycling" movement.

Chinese politics has moved a long way since the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. The lesson that was learned was that the old fashioned violent coercion of people could no longer be relied on to control people. In the last week the Chinese government announced plans to "go green" by producing 20% of their electricity from renewables.

In my own experience there has been an amazing upsurge of interest in authentic business. I have been writing, consulting and coaching about authentic business for nearly 10 years. When I started the concept seemed very "out there".

Today I am having conversations with bankers, fashion designers, accountants, oil companies, software companies and more, seeking to bring greater integrity and authenticity to their organisations.

I am not saying that everything is exactly as we would like it, but the progress we are seeing is very significant.

The time is right for me to step up my work to the next level. For the first time I am ready to offer training in the Authentic Transformation methodologies I have developed. From the 1st of July and over the summer I am running a distance learning course to train consultants and coaches.

Subjects include, authentic business, life purpose articulation, team purpose articulation, Spiral Dynamics and Authentic leadership. If you would like to know more, give me a call.

The courser starts with a one to one phone session which needs to take place before the 1st of July.

I am redefining my businesses - getting more clear, more authentic about who I am and what I do. has become the focus for my authentic business consultancy and coaching business. is evolving into a matchmaking website that will help authentic businesses and individuals find each other.

With love


Neil Crofts
Neil Crofts
authentic business

+44 (0)7775 658534
Skype - neilcrofts

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