Monday, May 24, 2010

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Learning to love

Posted: 22 May 2010 02:42 AM PDT

Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real. - Iris Murdoch

Without the capacity to love we are capable of horrors. Without the capacity to love we are capable of seeking to fulfill our own ego needs of security, confidence or satisfaction at the expense of others. We are capable of exploitation and destruction.

When we find the humility to be truly loving, when we find the true acceptance, that the interests, desires and needs of others take priority over our own, this is when we mature.

We can learn this through finding the romantic love of another, through the revealing scrutiny of parenthood, through deep experience and introspection and through being brought up in an unconditionally loving environment.

Love connects us with life, clarifying the reality that we are all part of the same whole. Love inverts our premature view that we are the world and everything exists to serve our ego. Love is the realisation that we are one cell in the greater body of life and that each of us shares a responsibility for all of life. For all future and for all past.

To love is to transcend petty individualism and embrace life.

Without love life is not neutral, it is fearful. Relationships based in fear are needy, desperate, distrustful, cynical and transactional. This can be true in business, in couples, in politics and all aspects of life.

Learning to be truly loving is profound for an individual and transformational for business or a community. On a global or national scale it would be transcendent. And this the only hope for our society to be sustainable.

On the 29th of May it will be four years since I started these weekly e-mails. A couple of weeks ago Bruce Chapman wrote to me suggesting they would make a good book. I wrote back and said would he be interesting in compiling such a book. He said yes!!!!

So, if you have any favourite Monday morning mails that you would like to see in a book, please let Bruce know.

I have also started the dialogue with Wiley/Capstone, who published my first two books and they are very interested. Watch this space :-)

Are you ready to lead with love?

Are you ready to train the next generation of leaders?

If you would like to find out more about authentic leadership please visit the dedicated Authentic Leadership microsite and lets have a chat.

If you would are interested in helping to solve these kinds of challenge, you might like to join Authenticis as a consultant. Lets have a chat about that. The next round of training starts in June.

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With love


Neil Crofts
Neil Crofts
authentic business

+34 646391384
Skype - neilcrofts

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