Monday, June 21, 2010

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

The future is written by the victors

Posted: 20 Jun 2010 11:32 PM PDT

Churchill's version referred to history being written by the victors. It is also true that the future is written by the victors.

With a few exceptions we humans create our future. Sometimes by accident, sometimes by inaction and sometimes by design.

Whatever we do, whatever we think and whatever we communicate, is creating our future. If we act, think and communicate carelessly, or if we are passive we might find the future that we are creating is not to our liking.

If we consciously design our future we have the possibility of success, fulfilment and happiness.

It is this simple - if we identify and articulate what we want from our life, commit to it whole heartedly and open up about it, it can happen. Without the articulation the commitment is unlikely, without the commitment and openness the realisation is unlikely.

If you have a vision for the future it is vitally important that you articulate it and open up about it. If you don't have a vision for the future, it is vitally important that you get one.

This works at all levels. It works for individuals, relationships, communities, businesses and societies. As long as enough wholehearted alignment exists it can happen.

If you have a vision for your relationship to be more harmonious and rewarding, articulate it.

If you have a vision for your business or your employers business to be more fulfilling and successful, articulate it.

If you have a vision for our society to be more peaceful and sustainable, articulate it.

However, for the vision to be realised you will need the wholehearted commitment of enough people. In your relationship that may only mean one other person. For a business or society it will mean more.

The strategy for gaining wholehearted commitment from more people is to start with those who are already most aligned. Create a common articulation and engage people wholeheartedly until there is enough commitment to open up more widely.

In June 1940, Charles de Gaulle was a junior French General who had already escaped to England. On the 17th of June Marshall Petain called for the surrender of France. On the 18th of June de Gaulle made a broadcast on the BBC.

In his broadcast (watch the video) he articulated a vision of France ultimately winning. Although few heard it directly, his vision was one that so many French people were wholeheartedly aligned with, that everyone heard about it. This vision galvanized the nation and focussed it on a brighter future.

Are you prepared to be that leader? To open up about your vision. To create whole hearted alignment and to create a positive and sustainable future for your family, your business or your society?

If you would like to find out more about authentic leadership please visit the dedicated Authentic Leadership microsite and lets have a chat.

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With love


Neil Crofts
Neil Crofts
authentic business

+34 646391384
Skype - neilcrofts

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