Monday, July 19, 2010

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

A Statement of Purpose

Posted: 18 Jul 2010 11:24 PM PDT

It is normal to slip through life just sliding from one thing to the next, not quite sure why we studied this, not quite sure why we took that job, no big reason for living where we do and so on.

This is normal.

Apart from normal there are those whose talents happen to coincide with something popular, perhaps in sports or entertainment.

There are also those who are passionate about an area, and are allowed to be, and end up pursuing it as a career.

Then there are those who are angry. We see something wrong and determine to make a career out of making it better.

Imagine if you were to combine all three, to take your talent and your passion to do something about whatever it is that makes you angry.

This is your life purpose.

If you can focus your work and your life in the space where you are both highly motivated, by anger and by passion and highly talented, then you are also likely to be successful and fulfilled

Life purpose has been the foundation of my work for six years now. I have developed an extremely powerful exercise in which people can articulate not just their life purpose, but their vision for how they will achieve it, their mission of required resources and their values; the ethical boundaries around their behaviour, in under an hour.

Not only that, but we can usually also start work on the plan for how to make it happen, all in an hour.

This exercise makes a huge difference to people. Articulating your purpose for the first time is, for many, like having a veil lifted. A view which has been blurry and indistinct their whole life comes into focus. It is like finding something you always knew existed, but could not quite see.

Our purpose is powerful for us, even before we articulate it, it is already attracting us. Because of this most people I work with only need to make minor adjustments to feel the benefit of being fully aligned with their purpose.

Most people I work with get on with their lives with a renewed sense of purpose, greater focus and greater clarity. This additional energy helps them to make positive changes, to adjust relationships, refocus their work and find greater success and fulfillment.

Some of the people I work with find that they had something amazing inside them, something they need to let out. One example is Line Hadsbjerg.

Line is a mixture of Danish and South African and lives in Mallorca. When I met Line she was already doing something pretty amazing as one of the founders of Betterplace. When we did the Life Purpose exercise Line experienced one of those breakthrough moments of clarity that so often come out of the process.

She realised that through her talent as a writer and communicator and her passion for people she could do something about her anger at the perception of South Africa.

And she did...

Line has written and produced a remarkable book. The title: Remarkable South Africans. It is a work of extraordinary power and beauty, I had chills and goose bumps just holding it. You can buy it here and join the project here.

I am looking for other stories from people who have made changes after doing a life purpose session. With my great friend Dawn Waldron, we are producing an e-book that gives a detailed step by step guide to doing the Life Purpose exercise. We are looking to include some examples of how the exercise has influenced people and would love to hear your stories.

I offer this exercise both to individuals and to organisations as the start of a process of personal and organisation transformation.

One to one personal coaching summer offer: As usual I have a summer three for the price of two coaching offer for sessions completed before the end of August. In these sessions we will articulate your personal Purpose, Vision, Mission, Values and Strategy and get started on making it happen. Email me to book your sessions.

Authentic Leadership, find out what leadership is really all about through one to one coaching or a workshop for your team. I have the opportunity to run an open Authentic Leadership workshop in Mallorca in October, if you are interested please help me decide whether to run it by letting me know. More on Authentic Leadership at

Authentic Transformation is the process we use to help businesses benefit from their authenticity through a mixture of coaching and workshops. If you would like your organisation to be more successful by being more authentic take a look at

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With love


Neil Crofts
Neil Crofts
authentic business

+34 646391384
Skype - neilcrofts

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