Monday, August 02, 2010

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

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Posted: 02 Aug 2010 12:44 AM PDT

Last night we watched a film, The Lives of Others. Set in East Germany in 1984 it focusses on the inhumanity of the dictatorship and the discovery of his own humanity by one of it's operatives.

We watched the film with three others who had all been born in 1988. The year before the Berlin wall came down and just before the close of the film.

All three are very well educated, none had heard of the GDR (DDR), Glasnost or the Stasi.

George Santayana warned us that, 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'

We are in a time of tumultuous change, thinly disguised as normality under control. Politically, economically, environmentally and spiritually the norms that we grew up with are being challenged, and this means we have a choice.

In Greece there are already some who are choosing violence as a way of protecting their society or community from the forces of change. Self pity breeds violence.

We have been down that road before, we know where it goes. We need to remember the lessons of our history, we need to take this opportunity to move on from it. We need to learn a different way of being that will create a better future for us all.

We need a vision around which we can align, towards which we can collaborate and by which we can evaluate our efforts.

The summer break is a time for evaluation and reflection, a time for reading and planning. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could all come back from this summer break focussed on creating a peaceful, sustainable and loving society?

Perhaps that could be our vision. Perhaps we can reset our society, heal the wounds and redesign the structures, if we start by redesigning ourselves.

One to one personal coaching summer offer: As usual I have a summer three for the price of two coaching offer for sessions completed before the end of August. In these sessions we will articulate your personal Purpose, Vision, Mission, Values and Strategy and get started on making it happen. Email me to book your sessions.

Authentic Leadership, find out what leadership is really all about through one to one coaching or a workshop for your team. I have the opportunity to run an open Authentic Leadership workshop in Mallorca in October, if you are interested please help me decide whether to run it by letting me know. More on Authentic Leadership at

Authentic Transformation is the process we use to help businesses benefit from their authenticity through a mixture of coaching and workshops. If you would like your organisation to be more successful by being more authentic take a look at

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With love


Neil Crofts
Neil Crofts
authentic business

+34 646391384
Skype - neilcrofts

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