Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

On The Shoulders Of Giants

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 12:03 AM PST

Last week I was back in Denmark for my annual "lecture" at the KaosPilots business school. I love these trips, they are intense, but the students are great to work with; fun, interested, passionate - and always asking the best questions.

The school is thriving, with more students than ever and many improvements and developments under way.

It is students like these who show us most clearly the reality of evolution today in our society. The physical signs are less obvious, but intellectually and emotionally the process is accelerating.

The combination of minimal national boundaries, internet age access to information and an inspiring curriculum means that these students understanding of the world, our society and of business is far in advance of previous generations.

Many of them will go on to teach the next generation, whether in businesses or in business schools, and help them to take the story a stage further.

The multiple crises we experience compound the motivation to find new and more sustainable responses and solutions, to our challenges.

Our job (the previous generations) is mostly to get out of their way, and where possible, to offer opportunities and resources to allow them to pursue their dreams and ideals authentically.

What is happening in the world is very far from all bad, in spite of the way it is portrayed in the mainstream media. Actually human society has made incredible progress in many areas. Hans Rosling communicates our progress brilliantly.

If we can focus our energies we will also make progress in other areas. Humans have incredible energy, creativity and potential to do good for the world. Destructiveness in not human nature, it is the product of a confused and frightened minority.

The vast majority of people want peaceful, loving and meaningful lives that do as little harm to others as they can. Given the damage that has been done, we also need to focus on restoration and we can do that too.

We are already standing on the shoulders of giants. Great thinkers, doers and leaders, both those who have been celebrated and those we know personally clearly show us the way. We can learn both from the successes and the traumas and allow them to guide us towards the future we seek.

Magic Monday - the compilation of six years of the best of these Monday morning e-mails is available as an e-book. (There will be a print edition when I can make the time).

Also, working with my wonderful friend Dawn Waldron, we have written a new, thorough and really easy to use Life Purpose work book.

You can get your copies here.

If you would like help in finding your authenticity, give me a call.

Join us on our Authentic Business Radio show every Thursday at 5pm UK, 6pm Euro or 12.00 EST.

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With love


Neil Crofts
Neil Crofts
authentic business

+34 646391384
Skype - neilcrofts

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