Monday, January 21, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Down to Business

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 02:37 AM CST

I love business.  I love the energy and the creativity it can lead to.

What I don't like are the consequences of greed and fear based business, the environmental and social damage. 

Conventional businesses are about redistributing wealth from the population and the environment to a few senior executives and shareholders.  The problem with this business model, apart from the damage, is that they are just not very motivating for anyone except the senior executives and shareholders.

I was thrilled when I came across the idea of authentic business six years ago and found that there are businesses that operate on a different and more positive model.  Authentic businesses generate their profit through the pursuit of a profound and positive purpose.  

The wonderful thing about these businesses is that they are better and more successful businesses in just about every dimension.  Typically an authentic business spends about 80% less on motivating people, both customers and staff, than a regular business.

The businesses that I profiled in my first two books "Authentic" and "Authentic Business" have gone from strength to strength as the zeitgeist of society seeks out products, businesses and people that we cab believe in.

Last year another book on authenticity in business was published, this time by Harvard Business School Press, it is called "Authenticity - what consumers really want".

As people we direct our money and energy towards the things we fear and the things we love.  Increasingly we are looking to spend our money on things that we love and trust.   

By extension we have a choice as individuals and as businesses as to how we make our living.  We can either be frightening or we can be lovable, so that people spend their money with us.

Both strategies work, but being loved is more sustainable, more motivating and healthier.

I have worked with authenticity, through leadership, team building, executive coaching, training, marketing and new product development, in businesses ranging from brand new one person start-ups to global mega corporations like Shell and Microsoft.  Authenticity works in all of these businesses.  Even if it is only in a business unit, department or team of a much larger business.  Authenticity is inspiring, motivating, engaging and reliable.

Here is a starter kit to bring authenticity into your business:

1 - buy a copy of Authentic and or Authentic Business.

2 - Join the hosted chat with me on Network 2012 website at 8pm UK time on the 24th of January.  If you are not a member sign up for the free trial and then go to "chat", if you are a member, just go to "chat."

3 - Join me at the Body, Brain and Business conference in Berkshire on the 27th of February.

4 - Call me to chat through ways to bring the benefits of authenticity into your business or organisation.

5 - If you are a coach or consultant and would like to inspire authenticity in others come to the Authentic Transformation Advance in Mallorca or California.

6 - If you would like to bring greater authenticity into your own life join us for the Total Potential Retreat on the 7th of February.

Looking forward to collaborating with you and building your authentic success and prosperity.

with love


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
UK mobile 07775 658534
UK office 0845 6800648
Spain mobile (+34) 606 204 994      Spain office (+34) 971 673 325

"Fulfillment is a by-product of making something that means something. You don't go to a restaurant and order a meal because you want to have a shit."  (misquoted from Banksy - see"

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