Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week


Posted: 28 Jan 2008 05:54 AM CST

Most of us want to succeed.  

Many of us end up exchanging our lives and our happiness chasing our perception of someone else's vision of success.


Typically it is the vision of success of one or both of our parents, but it could equally be a teacher or some other strong adult role model from our childhood.  The important thing here is, that it is not usually their actual vision, but a confused and corrupted version of it that we have created ourselves.

Most parents just want their kids to be happy.  Sometimes the way that they communicate this is by focussing on their own (often unrealised) ambitions.


Largely because no one has taken the time to help us work out what our own true vision of success is, and on the whole we do need that help, especially as kids or young adults.

When you hear about people being brilliant and successful, at anything, it is generally because someone helped them work out what they were passionate about and talented at. And then supported them in finding a way to be it, and make a living out of it, sometimes a very good one.

David Beckham, Leona Lewis, Lewis Hamilton, Jamie Oliver, Lance Armstrong, Steve Jobs and so on.

So what about the rest of us, those of us who did not find focus early on?

There is not a moment to loose.  We do not get another crack at this life.

Find out where your deepest motivation coincides with your greatest talent - and articulate it.  Then work out how you can make a living by doing it.  This is your life's purpose, your vocation, your calling, your core motivation. If we can focus our lives and our work where we are at our most motivated and most able, it makes sense that we will also achieve that wonderful combination of happiness and success.

If you are young or without commitments - there  is really nothing to loose, just go for it.

If you are older you may have to think carefully about how to redesign your work, your job or your life to allow for the shift of focus. 

Whatever your situation it is not worth getting to the end of the road and feeling "I wish I had" rather than "I am glad I tried it".

For help in articulating your life's purpose - join the Inspiration Phone in or buy a copy of Seven Stages.

For help in articulating your life's purpose and turning it into a way of making a living - book a one to one coaching session or come to the Total Potential Retreat on the 7th of February.

Or to help others find their authentic way of being come to the Authentic Transformation Advance in Mallorca in March or California in April.

With love


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
UK mobile 07775 658534
UK office 0845 6800648
Spain mobile (+34) 606 204 994      
Spain office (+34) 971 673 325

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

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