Monday, July 21, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Easy as PIE

Posted: 21 Jul 2008 01:44 AM CDT

Teachers are like busses, I spent years looking for a teacher between my time at Razorfish and when we came to Mallorca and then two show up at once.

Not the kind of teacher you get at school you understand, more like a a "Yoda" figure in my life. Someone who could help me find my better hidden talents and potential.

I was out here for a couple of days last summer, while I was looking for somewhere for our family to live in Mallorca. An estate agent who had built up a bit of a reputation for finding the most off-beat houses, told me that a place had just come on the market that I had to go and see.

I went with the usual mixture of curiosity and hope that attends these viewing and arrived at Can Pujola, a ready made personal development centre. There was a woman sweeping leaves in the garden who greeted me like a long lost friend, and that was Judy.

We connected immediately and since we moved here Judy and I have met every Monday, just after I finish writing these writing these mails, if I am fast enough.

Just after we arrived I decided to run an inspiration evening in our village at Can Pujola. One of the attendees who arrived that evening, a little flustered was David.

David had a phone call about an hour before the event was due to start from a friend who said he had to go to this authentic inspiration thing. It was evening, he had had a busy day and just wanted to go home, but something told him he had to go.

David had quite a breakthrough and bought all three of my print books. David is a chiropractor who practices an evolution of chiropracting called Network Spinal Analysis. Since that day I have run several inspiration events at David's practice and have visited him regularly for sessions of Network.

These two marvelous teachers are helping me continue to learn and evolve. To make real progress in life it is essential to have a teacher, to stretch you, to hold you to complete honesty and to help you to understand your true potential. After a long drought, I am now fortunate enough to have two.

We have done a few small collaborations, David guested at the Total Potential Retreat and Judy and I guested at an event that David ran in the spring. It was clear from the power of this combination that a fully collaborative event would be spectacular.

And so we came to The PIE Retreat.

PIE stands for Physical, Intellectual, Emotional - the three key levels at which we learn. The PIE Retreat is an intensive learning forum that will propel participants towards their full potential.

The PIE Retreat takes place in Mallorca from the 10-12 October at the simply stunning mountain top monastery, Santuari de Cura. ( You can see the view over Palma above) We would love to welcome you there. For more information and to reserve your place see - or call +44 (0) 7775 658534.

With love


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
UK mobile 07775 658534

Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.

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