Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Innovation

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 01:57 AM CDT

When things are going well, or even acceptably it is often difficult to spot the opportunities for improvement. This is true for us as individuals, it is true for us in business and it is also true for us as societies.

It takes a very special character to continually move on. To continually reinvent their character or business, when there is nothing wrong. We even have an expression to reinforce this, "if it ain't broke don't fix it."

The consequence of this is that as individuals, organisations and as whole societies we generally wait until there is a crisis before we make the changes that improve our lives.

So, if we are reluctant to maintain the pressure for continual improvement, the other option is to embrace crisis as a catalyst for improvement. Whatever the crisis and at whatever level it is just an opportunity to change, develop, evolve and improve.

For example, let us embrace the opportunity of the climate crisis. It is creating wonderful and exciting opportunities to improve the way that we run our society.

The way that we produce our energy or transport ourselves about, has had a pollution problem since the industrial revolution, but it is not until there is a climate crisis that we have the will to make the changes.

Look at these thrilling examples of how we can choose to produce our energy or to transport ourselves, which become a possibility only now that we are threatened with catastrophe.

Similarly the financial crisis creates opportunities for businesses to innovate and do things better, with less energy, more efficiently and for less money.

It may feel inconvenient to suddenly be pitched into a period where making a living is more challenging, but think of the opportunity, to be more efficient, more effective or to come up with better and more relevant products or services.

Similarly personal crisis gives us the opportunity to review our lives and make changes for the better, to move on from behaviours, beliefs or habits that do not serve us well to new ones that do.

Of course the other option, is to develop a practice of creativity and innovation in our personal lives, our working lives and in our societies that helps us to avoid the crisis altogether.

So - three innovations from me this week :-)

1 - I am having a coaching "sale" during the month of August. August tends to be quiet for me while September is busy, so if you book two coaching sessions during August, I will give you another for free - three for the price of two. August is a quiet time for many people and a good time for reflection and reinvention, perhaps I could help you reinvent yourself for when things get going in September or perhaps I could help you transform your attitude to money over the summer?

2 - I very much want to continue writing these Monday morning e-mails, but as I get busier it gets more and more difficult to justify the time spent on them. If they could bring in more financial energy directly, it would be easier. So I have created the option for readers to make a small contribution to the continued creation of these mails. It is strictly voluntary, but if you get value from these mails, you may also want to contribute value back and now you can do so - here.

3 - The big new event for me - and the only one I will be offering for the foreseeable future is The PIE Retreat. If you want to create the opportunity in your life to continually improve without crisis, this is the best possible environment for learning how to do it. I would love to see you there.

with love


neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
UK mobile +44 (0) 7775 658534

Or do not
There is no try


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