Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week


Posted: 25 Aug 2008 02:12 AM CDT

What do you know?

We spend a lot of energy venerating our knowledge, but actually what we don't know is far more exciting than what we do know.

Listening to the same piece of music, watching the same film, reading the same book, walking the same route over and over again are all things that most of us would prefer to avoid.

Discovering new things, either wholly new or new elements of something, as we learn it and learn more about ourselves, is where the stimulation lies.

We enjoy discovery and learning and once we have learned what there is to learn it is time to move on.

So why do we so often repeat the same patterns and the same solutions in our lives, our work and our societies?

Do we have to know that something is right, is going to work, is "better" than what we are used to before we try it?

We know that so many of the old patterns we use in our life, work and society do not work and yet we persist.

Just because something is familiar does not make it right or optimal. It just makes if comfortable.

It is alright to settle and it is alright to compromise, it is not alright to settle for compromise.

If we want to live happy and fulfilled lives, if we want to make valuable contribution to the world through our work and if we want to leave a safer and more healthy society for our children, we must continuously challenge the solutions of the past and innovate to a new level.

We must seek out our ignorance and replace it with learning.

The irony is that somewhere deep down we know the right thing to do. And yet we find the patterns that we have created through our lives are so difficult to change.

Next time you make a decision listen carefully to that inner voice and dare to take the path towards what you don't already know, dare to take the journey where the road ends.

If you take time planning your journey it does not need to be scary.

"Adventure is just bad planning". Roald Amundsen

Right now our society needs many, many more people who are willing to go "off piste". To follow their hearts, rather than the well trodden path. To explore, experiment, challenge, rebel, invent, innovate and create. Are you the rebel?

Would you like help in breaking free of your old patterns to find your peace and potential?

The PIE Retreat, 10-12 October, is designed specifically to propel people to a level of learning they had not considered possible. It will awaken you to what you know to be possible but so often struggle to reach.

If you cannot make The PIE Retreat, you can still take advantage of my three for the price of two coaching offer during August.

If you find these e-mails valuable and energising, you may like to contribute some energy to help me continue to write them. £5 per year seems like good value.

neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
UK mobile + 44 7775 658534

. . .if we wait for the moment when everything,
absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin.
Ivan Turgenev

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