Monday, August 04, 2008

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week


Posted: 04 Aug 2008 01:13 AM CDT

It's August :-) One of our two annual "ceasefires" where working life slows down to a more moderate pace and we have the opportunity to relax a little.

It is lovely to spend some of this time distracting ourselves from any discomfort in our lives with holidays and summer fun.

If you do have discomfort in your life or business another good use of this time is to take the opportunity to make plans and changes to ease or erase the discomfort.

We can start with a quick life or business inventory to check in with score the important aspects of your life out of 10, where 10 is exactly as you would like things to be and 0 is absolutely not.

The main areas in our personal life are: love and relationships, work and wealth, fitness and health, lifestyle and location, spirituality and meaning.

The main areas in our business life are: communication and relationships, management and profitability, future strategy, location and facilities, purpose and motivation.

You may also want to subdivide some of these areas into specific opportunities you have to make improvements, like particular relationships or areas of health. All of the areas where you have scored less than 10 are opportunities, and the ones with the lowest scores are where improvements will make the biggest difference.

Now arrange the list with the lowest scores at the top. Take the first item on the list (the one with the lowest score). Imagine what 10 would be like. What it would feel like, what would it look like, where would it be, who would it be and so on. Articulate it as clearly as you possibly can, use pictures, use sounds, use anything that makes it clearer for you.

Now identify anything that stands in the way of that 10 feeling happening and develop a strategy for moving the obstacles out of the way and allowing that 10 to happen all of the time.

If one of the obstacles turns out to be this process or any part of it, or the questions are difficult to answer, you might like to take advantage of my three for the price of two August offer and I can help you.

If you want to really stretch for the 10 in all areas of life you might like to join us for The PIE Retreat in October.

If you find these e-mails valuable and energising, you may like to contribute some energy to help me continue to write them. £5 per year seems like good value.

With love


ps - You may notice a some changes going on with my web sites over the next couple of weeks. This is because I am separating the personal side of Authentic Transformation from the business side. The personal side will come under and the business side under If you want a preview you can see the beta sites already live.

neil crofts  - coach, consultant, facilitator
Authentic Transformation - join the evolution
UK mobile 07775 658534

It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.
--Sir Edmund Hillary

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