Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

A mentor for every child

Posted: 02 Mar 2009 12:30 AM PST

I have been working on and researching this authentic thing now for 8 years. One of the most intriguing observations over this time is that there are three types of people (in this specific dimension).

There are those who went on a long detour before finding their authenticity, there are those who are still on their detour and there are those who never went on a detour.

What I mean by detour is a period of time spent doing what you thought was expected of you, in terms of work, location and even relationships, rather than what was true and authentic for you.

The ones who never went on the detour are rare and they are brilliant. When I meet a twentysomething who is truly on their path it is an uplifting experience. They glow with confidence and energy. Their confidence is not the simple arrogance of youth, but a more mature certainty about themselves and their direction mixed with humility about their knowledge and a thirst for learning.

I am inspired by the idea of a society where all twentysomethings are like this. Where those in their thirties and above never went on a detour and where all live with authenticity, confidence and humility. Where everyone values each other and no one is exploited or feared.

So, how do we get there?

A few years ago I wrote an article on authentic education and had more response than any other article. Since then I have been exploring what would be the best possible way to prepare children for adulthood. Not only the best possible way for each individual child, but the best possible way for every child.

My explorations have lead to a simple idea - to provide a mentor for every child.

One of the things that is consistent among those who never went on a detour is that they had at least one mentor. Their mentors may have been a parent, a relative or a friend. What they had was a relationship with an adult who could give them support, the benefit of their own experience (without the limitations of their fears) and wise counsel.

In the last few weeks this idea has resurfaced again and again until last week I had a conversation with Kay Newton and Inma Fita. We discovered that we are all passionate about this project and agreed that now is the time and that we will collaborate to create it.

Our strategy is to run a pilot this summer to learn about how it works, who make good mentors, what prospective students want and so on. Once we have learned enough we will start to expand the project.

Right now we are looking for a benefactor or sponsor who can help us to fund the pilot project if you can help with this please get in touch.

You can find out more about this project at www.amentorforeverychild.com

If you feel that you are still on a detour and would like to get off it - join one of my Life Purpose or Complete Confidence sessions.

The next phone session is 5pm CET, 4PM UK on the 11th of March. The next physical session is at 9.45 this Wednesday the 4th of March in Mallorca. These are both Complete Confidence sessions - so it is best if you have already completed the Life Purpose session.

Book your Complete Confidence phone session now:

Or come along on Wednesday to:
Onda Vital C/Martin Boneo 31, bjos 
07013 Palma de Mallorca (Son Dameto)
+34 606 204 994

For more details and to book your place for the phone sessions please go to www.neilcrofts.com 

I am now doing more frequent and much shorter bursts of inspiration on Twitter - you can join in here www.neilcrofts.com

With love


Neil Crofts
inspiration innovation motivation

+44 (0)7775 658534

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