Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Can we start now please!

Posted: 30 Mar 2009 12:00 AM PDT

OK - enough protests, enough negatives, enough rubbish strategies.

Let's be clear about what we want:

We want - a safe, sustainable, peaceful and loving world.

We want - a reasonable amount of resources to live a comfortable life.

We are - OK working for this, we just want to be involved in the decision making and get reasonable reward for our contribution.

We want - opportunities and safety for our kids.

So let's create it and let's stop doing things that prevent it.

Let us understand that "war" does not take us to where we want to go. Whether it is a "war on drugs" or a "war on terror" it will not get us to where we want to be.

Let us understand that conflict, fear and insecurity will not help us create the world that we want to live in.

The revolution we need is not on the streets, in the board rooms or even in the governments. It is in our own heads.

We need to pursue our own positive strategies now. We need to take responsibility. As soon as enough of us are doing it - it will already have happened.

You want peace in the world - make peace in your own life and engage with the peoples of warring nations.

You want an end to drug related crime - help people stop taking or getting involved with drugs by offering them hope and more positive alternatives.

You want an end to the abuses of the banking system - get involved in an alternative currency scheme like LETS or Time bank.

You want an end to climate change, inspire investment in alternatives - like electric cars, solar energy and water conservation technologies.

Whatever platform you have or can have do what you can to use it to resolve the challenges you care about. Your platform might be your blog, your neighbourhood or your employers business - whatever it is - use it.

My purpose? To heal the world through authenticity. I believe that the moment that enough of us are fully confident in who we are, the world changes - overnight.

I do this by working with businesses and organisations to help them be more successful by being more authentic.

I do this by working with individuals to help them to be more confident and have the courage to follow their purpose.

I am now starting "A Mentor For Every Child" to help to ensure that people are able to start out in life knowing their authentic direction and having the confidence to pursue it.

Want help with your own confidence - join me for a Complete Confidence session.

The next phone session is 5pm CET, 4PM UK on the 1st of April. The next physical session is at 9.45 this Wednesday the 1st of April in Mallorca. This is a Complete Confidence sessions, focussing on personal confidence. There is also a Life Purpose session in Palma on the 3rd of April at 11am.

Book your Complete Confidence phone session now:

Or come along on Wednesday to:
Onda Vital C/Martin Boneo 31, bjos 
07013 Palma de Mallorca (Son Dameto)
+34 606 204 994

For more details and to book your place for the phone sessions please go to www.neilcrofts.com 

If you believe that school leavers should know what they are great at, you may want to support www.amentorforeverychild.com - please join us and help change the world in a generation.

With love


Neil Crofts
inspiration innovation motivation

+44 (0)7775 658534

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