Monday, April 06, 2009

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Inspiring Your Authentic Week

Lead like Obama

Posted: 02 Apr 2009 05:15 AM PDT

The benchmark for leadership has shifted.

If you lead or aspire to lead in politics, business or the public sector you really need to understand the paradigm shift that leadership and peoples expectations of leadership has undergone.

The emergence of such great leadership is a challenge and an opportunity to all who would choose to lead. It gives permission to a new generation of leaders to step up from wherever they are and champion real solutions to the great challenges we face.

We need these solutions and this leadership to come from all sectors. Not just from government, but from business, from education, from health care, from the military, from charities, from campaign groups from all ages and levels.

Some of the key differences are:

1 - Obama level leaders need to be able to communicate in a way that connects positively with ALL at the same time, not just their own constituency.

2 - Obama level leaders are not driven by their ego. They will actively promote the recognition of others and never seek it for themselves.

3 - Obama level leaders bare responsibility for past, present and future, avoiding blaming others. They do not pass the buck, they accept the lessons with humility and use them to move on.

4 - Obama level leaders radiate integrity, authenticity and confidence. They truly know themselves and have the confidence to be equally open and candid about their strengths and their weaknesses. They are always guided by their their values and purpose.

5 - Obama level leaders focus on the greatest possible good and inspire and motivate all to their greatest potential in serving that good. They are positive, optimistic big picture thinkers who are also well aware of the detail and are undaunted by it.

Leadership is something that is learned. It can be learned by anyone and can be practiced at any level from self leadership to world leadership.

Leadership is emergent; being appointed to a leadership position does not makes someone a leader. A leader is someone other choose to follow.

We need leaders who can move beyond factionalism, criticism and ego politics to truly serve. To move beyond protest to solutions, beyond self service to the greater good and beyond fatalism to choice.

As a society we urgently need these leaders in business, in politics and in the public sector. Not just at the top, but everywhere.

Are you ready to lead like Obama?

Are you ready for this level of leadership in your organisation or community?

I am ready to mentor a small number of clients to their ultimate leadership potential. If you are interested in such an opportunity for yourself or your team lets have a chat.

If you believe that school leavers should know what they are great at, you may want to support - please join us and help change the world in a generation.

With love


Neil Crofts
inspiration innovation motivation

+44 (0)7775 658534

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